“Dubuque County Delays Renewable Energy Ordinance: Navigating the Path Forward”


Dubuque County, Iowa is at a critical juncture in its quest to embrace renewable energy. The county’s Board of Supervisors has recently delayed the implementation of a highly anticipated renewable energy ordinance, sparking a complex discussion on the future of sustainable power generation in the region. This decision highlights the delicate balance between promoting renewable energy development and safeguarding the interests of local landowners and residents.

The Renewable Energy Ordinance Debate

The proposed ordinance, drafted by the Dubuque County Zoning Commission over the past year and a half, aimed to pave the way for the development of wind, solar, and battery storage projects. However, when the Zoning Commission presented their initial proposal to the Board of Supervisors, the board identified several key issues that required further revisions.

Conflicting Priorities and Concerns

The primary point of contention seems to be the balance between renewable energy development and protecting the interests of local stakeholders. The Zoning Commission’s draft included restrictions that made it challenging for renewable energy developers to proceed with their projects. This raised concerns from the Board of Supervisors, who claimed the Zoning Commission had misinformation about the current state and future potential of renewable energy in the county.

“This is all such a new and developing technology,” remarked Jerry Sigwarth, a member of the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors. “Nobody knows all the answers, but we want to protect our citizens county as much as we possibly can.”

One of the key concerns raised was the potential impact on farmland. The Board of Supervisors emphasized that the ordinance is not an eminent domain situation, and landowners will not be forced to host wind, solar, or battery storage facilities on their property. “This is something in the draft of the ordinance that the commission wrote to limit the amount of acres that the energy can go on,” explained Board Supervisor Wayne Kenniker.

Rewriting the Ordinance with Expertise

To address these concerns and find a balanced solution, the Board of Supervisors is exploring a federally-funded program to assist in rewriting the renewable energy ordinance. “We hope to have a final draft by October, and hope to decide on what resources we will utilize to rewrite the ordinance,” stated Sigwarth.

This decision to take a step back and seek additional resources and expertise suggests a commitment from the Supervisors to develop a more comprehensive and effective solution. The outcome of this deliberation will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the future of renewable energy in the Dubuque County region.

Navigating the Path Forward

The delay in finalizing the renewable energy ordinance has already impacted some residents who have deals with renewable energy developers waiting for the policy to be approved. This highlights the urgency to find a solution that works for all stakeholders, including the county’s renewable energy aspirations and the needs of the local community.

Balancing Interests and Finding Solutions

As Dubuque County navigates this complex issue, the path forward remains uncertain. However, both the Zoning Commission and the Board of Supervisors seem committed to finding a balanced solution that promotes sustainable energy development while protecting the interests of the local community.

“I do think it’s important that we look to other solutions and work with our utilities and developers to be able to address the concerns that have been brought forward, but to also move and have an ordinance that allows this to happen,” emphasized Board Supervisor Kenniker.

The county’s efforts to rewrite the ordinance with the help of additional resources and expertise demonstrate a willingness to find a more comprehensive and effective solution. This approach, combined with the recognition of the need to balance various stakeholder interests, suggests that Dubuque County is on a path to navigating the complexities of renewable energy development in a way that benefits the entire community.